It’s not always easy to get inspired. Perhaps you’ve sat with your paint and empty canvas and can’t think what to paint. You’ve worked hard to set aside this time to create something nice! But, you’re not inspired. You just sit there, miserable. Terrible, right?
Certainly, there is an answer for this dilemma. I am a professional, award-winning artist, teacher and author. Where do I find inspiration?
Inspiration can be found everywhere and in everything. Literally. I take videos of the soap in a car wash on the windshield because it is so pretty. When I was little, I went to Europe a few times and while my friends would run around, I would go sit in museums and just draw the art I saw. Art is my way of life; it is like breathing.
Pelican Flame by Mixed Media Girl
So, how do I answer the question when people ask me for advice about where they can find inspiration? Try this. Take a walk and really look at the things around you. Flowers, sunsets, animals, city lights are there to be taken in and enjoyed. Absorb what you see in the world around you and from this you can find endless inspiration.
Cowboy Surf by Mixed Media Girl
Perhaps you have an idea that other people can create things that you never could. There is a common idea that some people can be artists and others never could. But this just isn’t true. Anyone can do it. There is no right or wrong - it is my favorite thing about art. Another source of inspiration is the work that other artists have done. You can view some of my work, and the process I used to create it, in these videos. Or, you can look at some of my paintings, shown here. I am happy to show you how to do Fluid Art painting step by step! It’s my purpose that you can do these things too! One way you can get inspiration is to join me for my online Facebook classes. Lastly, I would like to let you know that I have my own line of paint now! I made it specifically for fluid art. If you were intimidated by getting the right mixture of paint and paint additives before, this paint is for you. It is ready for pouring with no further mixing. Let’s create some art!